Saturday, September 1, 2012

Future Husband????

Okay I know this seems really weird and awkward and whatever you're thinking, especially cause I was going to write about the other way of pleasing others... sorry. I promise I'll get to it. So this is something I've been thinking about a lot lately, and I have been debating about writing about it until today when I saw this quote "Pray for your future husband everyday because you never know what trial, temptation, or struggle he is facing." Holy cow! That put it straight into perspective. I mean really think about it, my future husband isn't just a part of  my imagination, (although I'm only dreaming about him now.) He is really truly out in the world somewhere! Knowing that he's going through a lot of the same things I am, and that he is being just as patient as I am, and that he is fighting off worldly things for me, just as I am for him makes me feel better. I know that he is out there thinking about his future, and how it will involve me! That's so comforting. Although I may or may not know him, we still have each others back. At least I have his! I do pray for him, I don't know him but that doesn't matter because he needs blessings just like I do. I stay worthy for him and I know he is staying worthy for me, because I will not lower myself for someone who is not worthy. It wont happen. So he may be doing it not realizing that he's doing it for me, but that is a part of the reason why he is out there somewhere being a worthy priesthood holder, so that we can get married in the temple, and have eternity! Isn't that so special! I don't know. I feel like I'm talking about nothing. I guess I'm just trying to say that it feels good to know that me trying so hard to stay worthy isn't for nothing, it's for him, because one day he will be my world. The fact that he will be my world is great to, because the way I act now can control my future world with him. Fact of the matter, even if you feel weird doing it don't be afraid to pray for your future husband or wife, because they probably need it just as much as you do. After all we are all just humans.


  1. Love You Pam. That is beautiful. Never lower your standards. Keep that bar high.

  2. That's an awesome quote! I love this entry, you are awesome Pamela!
