Friday, August 10, 2012

Where did trust go?

Honesty ran far away like a child who feels no love. Trust is gone from our society. No matter how many missing signs and posters we hang trust isn't going to come back unless we start becoming more trustworthy. Where did trust go anyway? To the supermarket? No, those men run and rob it. Trust isn't there. Is it in our schools? No, there are to many pedophile teachers and psycho students that break down because of bullies. Trust definitely isn't there. So where are we supposed to find trust? Think about it, in the 1950's kids played outside on the streets, they had wild imaginations they ran around and just had fun. Their mothers had no need to sit outside and watch them, she had no reason to because she knew her neighbors she had faith and trust in the people surrounding her children. She had so much trust in those people that she knew that if something did happen and she wasn't there someone else would be. Those kids usually only had to come home because of dinner time, and usually they could stay out until the street lights came on, maybe even later! Then when everyone went to bed they didn't find a need to lock their doors or close their windows because society was a safe place. What happened? I was hardly ever allowed to just play out front as a child, even when I was me and my friends were checked on very often. It seems to me that its just gotten worse from even when I was a child! And I'm 17!! Now everything is dangerous and when you finally lay down in bed at night you stress yourself out trying to remember if you locked everything up! My question is what between then and now created this level of feeling unsafe? Can anyone even truly identify it? Is it just the fact that it became more popular to be violent and dishonest. It isn't a big deal anymore. People look at it like "Oh well bad things happens everyday" Is that what we have convinced ourselves to believe. That its okay because it happens everyday? Why do we sit back and let these bad things happen? Why have witnesses of terrible things stopped standing up for the innocent? Maybe that's the problem, we just sit by and let these things happen. The worst part of all is that we have let this get so bad that we can not leave our house without looking over our shoulders every ten minutes. Who can we trust? Family. I'm fortunate enough to have some family that I know are always going to be honest in their doings and with me. But like everyone else I to have family that I cant trust, I don't know if they are telling me the truth, I don't know if I can tell them things because who knows who they might tell and how they might twist it. Do we trust friends? Same as family. I have friends that I can completely count on for being trustworthy. I have friends that I don't tell things because Ive seen their lies. Its so sad. It's true though, people make mistakes and we have to forgive. Just remember, "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." Ive found that its even hard to trust people who your in love with. Maybe because they are being unfaithful to you, or maybe they aren't. But this uneasiness has become something in your mind because the world has set it as a likely possibility. Last night a group of friends and I went to see the Bourne premiere. (Spoiler alert btw!) There was an employee that went into his building and shot all of his colleges and friends at point blank. Afterwards I was taking my friend Bethany home and we were discussing trust, and how its hard to trust anyone. We talked about how even though that was just a seen in a movie, it was scary because that wasn't just a movie seen. It was the Aurora shooting, the recent Sikh shooting, the Shooting in Tuscon, the Virginia Tech shooting, the Columbia shooting. The possibility that it can happen at our schools, the only thing it takes is for one kid that we may trust to be pushed passed a limit and break down. We cant trust that things like that wont happen. I think that here the only thing we can do is know our limits and make sure that we are honest and trustworthy for others. We need to be that one person that someone can trust no matter what.

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