Saturday, August 11, 2012

Why are we such a cookie cutter society?

I just don't understand. (Nods head and sighs of irritation.) Why do we work so hard to be cut perfectly? We all want to be the perfect little butterfly cookies. We want to be the one to make the good impressions, and we want to be perfect just like everyone else. WHY! Girls out there, please understand that YOU were meant to be YOU! Not Jessica Alba or Taylor Swift, or the head cheerleader! I'm dead serious! Stop trying to be someone else! Just be you and people will love you for that! The best person you can be is yourself, so PLEASE stop trying to be someone else! And trying to be "cool" or acting like someone else isn't even the end of it. Our society expects everything to be perfect. We are expected to go to school and get straight A's,  we are expected to be perfect and do as we are told and drive as soon as we turn sixteen and get a job and support ourselves and get scholarships and go to college and be the perfect student and get married to a lawyer who can support you and have kids and be a good parent for the rest of your life and never make any mistakes. This is how society expects us to be and if we even mess up on one tiny thing we are looked down upon? OH PLEASE! We all make mistakes! Sorry society, but lets get to reality please. People are going to make mistakes, people will do what they want. That's okay! We as a society have no right to judge them! In fact when someone messes up it may have happened because of the way our society is! When people are looked down upon because they are forty and don't have a job, usually society is a part of the problem because people cant accept them and so they cant find a job. SO please before you judge the next person that isn't perfect in society terms, please realize that they are probably doing what they can and there is nothing wrong with that.

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