Friday, August 17, 2012

Why are people so nosy?

Today while visiting with someone very dear to me heart, she asked me out of frustration with people "Why are people so nosy?!" Immediately I realized that people are ridiculously nosy. Why? That is such a good question! I mean I think we can all be guilty of being nosy, but in the end why are we so rude? Did we ever stop to think that maybe the person we are being nosy towards simply doesn't want to talk about it? HUH?! And its not even that, its almost like no one cares about anything good or exciting that happens they don't want to be in your business when you get a promotion or straight A's. No. People only want to be all up in your business when there is something wrong, or you messed up and did something bad. Then they want to know allll about it. I think before we ask someone a question maybe we should stop and think about how they might feel by us asking that question. When a kid comes to school with a new cast, they probably have to explain it about thirty times to groups of people. When people get called into their managers office, every other employee wants to know what you talked about. When relationships don't work out, its all of the sudden everyone's business. Seriously people? I think what I've learned about being in other peoples business, is to not be. If I do notice something is different or that something happened, etc. I treat them just like I would any other day. Not because I don't care, that's not it at all. It's because its probably a breath of fresh air for them. Instead of me suffocating them with my questions, they probably enjoy feeling normal. So I try not to ask, please if you expected me to ask you something about your personal life try not to take offense I'm just trying to give you a break. But if I did bother you and get in your business, please forgive me, I'm still human, and after all I'm just trying to find the answers in life just like you. So basically if you don't tell me about whatever it may be, I will try my very best not to ask about it. Its just rude.

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