Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Why does making music make you a nerd?

Alright, lets talk. So being a musician myself i have grown up in the "nerd" or "dork" stereotype. Why? How is being a musician any different from being an athlete? Lets list what it takes to be an athlete, first off you need natural talent, then you need practice and lots of it, you need to put in effort to get to the level you want to be at, you need endurance and the will to not give up. Now lets list what it takes to be a musician or even lets at theatre kids and "techies" etc. First off we need natural talent, then an extreme amount of practice, then an ability to read, understand, memorize, then the ability to take something so simple and make it pure brilliance and absolute beauty. You have to have endurance because trust me hours at the piano isn't any more fun than a two hour long practice. It takes passion and love. So in comparing the two, I firmly believe that if athletes and "jocks" are going to walk around calling everyone else nerds and geeks, shouldn't they receive the same names? Does it not take the same amount to play sports as it does to play and instrument sing a song or recite a line? Coming from both sides as an athlete (although not a very good one) and a musician I don't think its fair that musicians are put at the bottom of the chain and athletes at the top. It starts in high school, when the quarter back of the football team gets special attention and treatment. When the school advertises non stop for sporting events and not more then a two second announcement is made for the band. Teachers love the athletes, but do they treat the artistic kids the same? Why is this? We work just as hard and yet we are like the puppy that is just as cute but no one wants to buy! I think its about time someone bought us! WE DESERVE IT! Who plays at the football games, the marching band! And they are AMAZING! They kill in their competitions and while they receive a "good job" and a pat on the back (maybe if they're lucky) The star athlete is getting extra help from five teachers and the attention from the whole student body, all so they can win Fridays game. Where is the love? Then even after high school, no one gives a care about Wicked, but as soon as the Superbowl comes around everyone drops everything they're doing and takes a day off to watch men in tights and shoulder pads fight over a ball. So my fellow musicians, artists, theatre kids, and techies we may be considered nerds geeks and dorks, but just remember  that the talent you have is absolutely mind boggling. The beauty of what you do is jaw dropping. Keep doing what your doing and don't let what others may say make you feel worthless in any way. You are awesome.

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