Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Why are people so rude?

"Rudeness is a weak persons imitation of strength." I'm not sure who said this, but whoever it was had a pretty good outlook on life. I think that every single one of us can be considered a "rude" person or a "nice" person. I think it depends on the day. When we get to the bottom of it we should think about what causes us to be rude ourselves (lets face it we all are at one point or another) usually we are rude because we have had a bad day, or someone is doing their very best to irritate us, or maybe someone has been rude to us first and passed along that rudeness bug. We all do it! We have to accept the fact that not everyone is going to like you or be nice to you. The secret to getting around this is to be an angel to that person. We've all been rude at one point or another, when you realize you've been rude or unkind to someone its probably the best thing to own up to it and apologize to that person before they spread the rudeness bug. If someone is rude to you just remember that maybe they aren't in a very good position and maybe instead of focusing on how offended you were, try and focus on helping the person that was rude to you and try and help them have a better day. I think that we ourselves cause rudeness simply by not considering others and only thinking about ourselves, once again we all do it. The best way to have less rude people and more nice people is to overcome others rude spurts and try our best not to catch the virus it has grown to be. We can only rid the plague by changing ourselves. We cant keep others from being rude, but we can help them feel better.

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